Do We Need a Constitution?

There has been much talk lately about whether we even need a Constitution or whether the Constitution just “gets in the way of progress” as posited by Georgetown Law Professor, Michael Seidman, in his essay recently published by the New York Times called “Let’s Give Up on the Constitution.”
It’s important for people of faith, and people who love liberty, to understand the unseen force driving Seidman’s line of thinking.

Seidman argues that our Constitution was written by privileged white men of another era whose thoughts and opinions have little to do with contemporary American life, therefore we should discard their work, and make up our own as we go.

His argument highlights a basic perspective typical of the secular left, rooted in Darwinian evolution. The thinking is, “We have evolved to a higher order, so we no longer need, or are well served by the thoughts of an inferior generation.”

Seidman and his ilk believe the highest authority is the contemporary mind of man. Therefore any document, rule or principle must submit to the interpretive authority of the modern man who reads it, and then It means whatever he says it means. This was clearly demonstrated by Chief Justice, Charles Evan Hughes, who said the Constitution means whatever the judge says it means. He couldn’t be more clear.

The conservative mind is a bit more humble, believing that there is a wisdom in the mind and heart of God that is superior to that of any man of any era. Our Constitution was an attempt to codify unchanging Biblical principles to establish a sense of “ordered liberty.” The principles set forth in the Constitution serve as an objective standard, an anchor keeping us moored to unchanging Judeo-Christian principles to guarantee continued peace, liberty and prosperity through generations. Our Constitution is the “how” to secure those inalienable rights put forward in our Declaration of Independence.

If we break away from the moorings of the Constitution we become susceptible to the whims of human nature which history has proven is capable of justifying unimaginable cruelty and even genocide in the name of “progress.”

If the Constitution can mean anything, whatever an “evolved” man thinks it should mean, then it will mean nothing, and we will regress to totalitarianism and barbarism already evidenced in baby-killing abortion, and the acceptance of hedonistic homosexuality. World history indicates that these are not progressive but rather regressive in human culture.

Do we need a Constitution? Absolutely, or be set adrift and ultimately condemn future generations to experience man’s inhumanity to man and social regression.


As I listened to the President’s inaugural speech I couldn’t help but feel grieved for my country. At a time when we could be celebrating equality and unity, I heard nothing but divisiveness, and a determination to push through an agenda rooted in liberation theology with the clear intent of getting reparations for the injustices of the previous two centuries of “white colonial rule.”  Obama clearly sees his challenge as defeating his opposition, and he is ready to fight to see his new Socialist America displace traditional America. This is why I continue to see him as the first “un-American” American President. He is determined to fundamentally change our nation to resemble a socialist utopia that has never existed, a fantasy of the liberal left.

By stating his endorsement of gay rights he displays his total disregard for the Bibles upon which he took his oath, and by that disregard he will bring judgment on our nation. It was the father of our country, George Washington who warned us:
“The propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained.”
So it becomes apparent that the next four years will see a decline in the quality of life in America on every front, political, cultural, economic and civil unless we see a genuine spiritual revival.
The Church is the only bulwark against a godless onslaught that is intent on “knocking us down to size” until we are like the other nations of the world. As Billy Graham reminded us, if God lets us get away with this, he’ll have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah. And I don’t think He’s about to do that.
It’s time for preachers to preach, teachers to teach and citizens to engage in the governing process, praying like it all depends on God and working like it all depends on us to see this nation turn back to God, to see His favor shed on us once again. Rise up, O Church! America, bless God!


As we head into 2013 and four more years of an Obama presidency, and its consequences, Christians and all freedom-loving Americans need to be clear on a plan moving forward. Let me propose three specific strategies that represent a different course than the failed course we have followed until now.

Whoever defines the debate gains a winning advantage. We have allowed the left to define the terms of the debate, and they are winning. I’m talking about such issues as abortion, and same-sex marriage.
When was the last time you heard anyone in a legitimate debate call abortion “baby murder?” Yet, that is exactly what abortion is. We’ve been too concerned with offending or even hurting others, so we have softened the language by calling it a “woman’s choice” or even “termination of a life.” It’s time we call it what it is, “baby murder.” We must say it repeatedly until truth sinks into the collective social psyche.
A homosexual marriage is a “sodomite” relationship and an “abomination.” It is “perversion” of human sexuality, and not a marriage at all. Yet we are afraid to use such words as “sodomite” or “perversion” because we don’t want to come off as “right-wing radicals” So we soften the language and the left wins.
It’s time to redefine the debate. Let’s talk about baby murder, and sodomite or perverted human relationships, an abomination in a country that still proclaims “in God We Trust.”

Our national mottos bring to a salient point the essential principles required for liberty, peace and prosperity: “In God We Trust” and “One Nation Under God.”
We must have a national conversation about the meaning of these foundational principles and how they are to influence public policy.

Even as our founders pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor we can do no less. As Christians we must pray like it all depends on God, and as Americans we must work like it all depends on us. Both will be required.  This is no time for convenience Christianity or citizenship. We must be committed to the battle for the sake of coming generations.

I believe that if we adopt these three principles as strategies for spiritual and political engagement, we will stand a chance to turn the hearts of Americans back to God and to the principles that have provided the world the “Last Best Hope.”  It will be up to the people who know God to do it. It is wholly unreasonable to expect it from any other.


It’s been a week since the elections, and I have taken the entire week to pray, meditate and discern what lessons are to be gained from the events of November 6th.

First of all, my heart breaks at the condition of the Church. Unfortunately, there is still much racism in the Church as evidenced by the many black pastors who encouraged their congregations to elect a man who has proven to govern in ways that are plainly contrary to Scripture. I am encouraged, however, by the many Black pastors who have not bowed to the idol of skin color, but who have called the Democratic Party the “anti-Christian party” for the inclusion of same-sex marriage in their platform. It seems like rather than bringing us all together, President Barack Obama has caused more division even within his own race.

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Listen to the Message

Listen to the message Rev. Banuchi shared with the Body of Christ before the 2012 elections. Sermon and songs were recorded live at Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church on Nov. 2, 2012.

Faith & Freedom or Fear and Bondage?

I Had a Dream

I had a dream last night after I went to bed having heard that President Obama is the likely winner of the elections. I dreamed that I was watching a seedy looking old man giving lollipops to a little girl, luring her into a room where I knew he was about to abuse her, but for some reason –I think there was a pane of glass in front of me–I couldn’t stop it.
I woke up realizing that the dream was about the way I saw the election. The President lured the masses with lollipop promises, and America will be ravaged.
But unlike the dream, I can do something. I don’t have to sit idly by watching the country I love get raped of its goodness—I will not sit idly by!
God, in His infinite wisdom, chose to withhold His grace from us, and he has given us what we asked for. We need not be ignorant of future events. The historical record shows us that when Israel wanted a king to be like the other nations around them, God granted their request, but warned them that if they chose a king, that king would redistribute their wealth to those of his choosing. He warned them that ultimately, they would become enslaved, (1 Samuel 8:6-22). By the eighth century B.C. Israel was taken into captivity by the Assyrians. There was no more freedom—there was no more Israel! If God did not spare Israel—His chosen people—why should we think he would spare us?
The little girl in my dream was America. I will not let her become ravaged, but I will do all I can to see a revival of the presence of God, and of those Christian principles that have produced the greatest nation the world has ever known, for the benefit of my grandchildren and for His glory.