First of all, anyone seeking to bring down our institutions in order to replace them with a Communist/Socialist System is in every sense of the word, an enemy of the American people. It’s important to note that these attacks on our way of life didn’t come out of nowhere, but they are the product of decades of godless indoctrination in our public institutions.

It’s been reported that some radical activists are rather proud of the Chicago looting, claiming it was “reparations.” As one BLM activist put it, “Anything they wanted to take, they can take it because these businesses have insurance.”
We must understand their thinking if we are to respond with effect. Dostoevsky told us in the Brothers Karamozov, if there is no God than anything is permissible. Without God anyone can establish their own system of right and wrong. This is what our children have been learning for decades in our public/government schools under the guise of “Values Clarification.” You know, you have your truth and I have my truth. So, the looters are justified when they loot because this is their truth. Justice is reparations for the sins of our ancestors, (even if your ancestors had nothing to do with slavery). After all, these businesses have insurance, so we’re really not taking anything away from them. Again, justified. We’re simply taking what is rightfully ours. It’s interesting that the word, “stealing” is nowhere to be heard even by reporters on the scene. After all, the idea of “stealing” comes from the Ten Commandments; God forbid we call it that; the irony!

As long as God is kept out of the conversation there will be no resolution until this nation is destroyed, as President Lincoln warned us, by national suicide. We must come to reassert the only standard that has a chance of drawing all Americans back to some sense of civility, the idea that we are “One Nation Under God.” That must be the neutralizing standard to which we must all ascribe. Outside of that, it’s anyone’s guess if we will have a nation ten years from now. The Word tells us, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord,”(Psalm 33:12). Well, the opposite will also be true: Cursed will be the nation whose god is not the Lord. Let’s do all we can to bring God back into the national conversation. Every responsible Christian must pray like it all depends on God and work like it all depends on us to see this nation come back to God.

1 comment

    • Penny on September 19, 2021 at 23:14
    • Reply

    I was so relieved to see this post about the organized and hopefully effective movement to give parents back the RIGHT to free their children from these “ineffective” and “damaging” masks. When our politics bleed into the health of our children and the right for us to protect them from harmful “control” measures that science debunks we NEED these great warriors of the TRUTH on our side. Anyone that believes a napkin or piece of cloth protects against germs and bacteria has NOT read up on masks and their effectiveness or have worn a N95 R for 20 minutes let alone for 8-10 hours. Education without intentional misinformation and theories is the ONLY way to repave this country and steer it back to the RIGHT side of the road for this Constitutional Federal Republic country which is “FOR” and “BY” the people who were ALL created EQUALLY!

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