I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, and I’ll keep saying it as long as necessary, “Barak Obama is the first un-American American president.”  I’m not just name-calling.  I am providing a rational explanation for the otherwise unconscionable and irrational conduct of this administration. When I say he is un-American I mean that his values are anathema to traditional American values as illustrated by his recent conduct in these areas:

He has disdain for our military. This was demonstrated this weekend when five soldiers who gave their lives were deprived, along with their families,  of the proper military care for their homecomings and  funerals. The blame was put on the government shutdown and used to make a political statement when it could have been easily remedied by a simple executive order by a Commander-In-Chief who cared more about his troops than he did about making a political statement. This is unconscionable and un-American!

He also demonstrated a lack of support for our veterans by the closing of the World War II Memorial, while he went out of his way—according to Nancy Pelosi– to facilitate a public demonstration on the same mall for illegal immigrants! In other words, this administration favors illegal immigrants over Americans who have fought for our liberty. This is un-American.

These actions don’t surprise me, nor did it require the gift of prophecy to see it coming.  Obama is on a mission, as he said to, “fundamentally change” this nation. He is driven by a quest for “reparations,” to collect on his sense of injustices perpetrated on the world by an evil America. This is the indoctrination received by his leftist education as taught by such men as his mentor and pastor for twenty years,  Rev. Wright in his church, a school of liberation theology. There should be no surprise here.

The questions remains, however, “How will we respond to these egregious attacks on our American spirit?

The answer is twofold. We must, first of all, pray for a spiritual revival until we are once again, one nation under God, and secondly we must get politically involved to render unto Caesar what is due, that is our informed vote and participation in this government, “of the people.”

Then we need to elect an “American” American President.

1 comment

  1. To understand where the POTUS is coming from and this tactics I recommend everyone interested read Rules for Radicals By Saul Alinsky – 1971
    An excellent review is provided at
    Bill thank you for your faithfulness and all the effort you have put into trying to wake-up America
    God bless

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