Word for 2023

Last year’s word was “pursue Truth.” This year it is to restore truth.

Pursuing Truth involved discovery of truth, and so we spent the year conducting God and Country seminars, (that you can still find on our Rumble Channel), and our twice monthly WISP meetings. Wisp, standing for worship, information, strategy and prayer.

So it would stand to reason that the next step would be to restore truth. It will be more challenging, since restoring truth means going to where the lies are, engaging the liars, and displacing the lies with truth. It will be a definite spiritual militant action rather than just an intellectual one.  You see when we studied to find the truth, we were with like-minded believers, and the atmosphere was relatively comfortable.

But the next stage will call us to engage unfriendly forces that have, up to this point, found no resistance as they advanced their lies. Restoring truth is about engaging the lie, to displace it with truth. Proverbs. 18:17 tells us,

 “The first one to plead his cause seems right, Until his neighbor comes and examines him.”

Unfortunately we have not been good neighbors as we have allowed the first one to tell one lie after another without ever examining them, and challenging them with the truth of God’s word using the excuse that we don’t get political.

Our first step must therefore be, repentance, of our complacency and our neglect of the garden God has commissioned us to tend. Unfortunately, the Church has withdrawn from the battle to take dominion over all the earth, the very first mission assigned to Adam, and we all know how that ended up.

But the, the second Adam came, and the prophet Isaiah tells us explicitly that the government will be on His shoulders, and we who are in fact the Body of Christ must accept this truth: The government is on our shoulders, if we are in fact, the very Body of Christ. No longer can a pastor who claims to be preaching the full Gospel declare in his puffed up pride, “we don’t get political.” That statement represents the second most despicable sin of the Church, only next to the sin of our factions and dissensions, seen in the idolatry of denominationalism.

How ironic that the very ones who declare that they don’t get political will be the first to advance their own local church or denomination. That, my friend is, in fact, getting political. We must repent of the hypocrisy in the church and seek to work together to see the advancement of the Kingdom of God, and not just the protection of our little fiefdoms. In 2023 the wheat will be separated from the chaff. It must be about His Church. If you truly love Jesus, then His most-heart-felt request before He was crucified must be our primary mission,

“that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me. “—John 17:21

O How far we have fallen!

Perhaps the first lie we must address is the lie currently being advanced by religious leaders and pastors across the nation, the lie that says, “We shouldn’t get political.” The truth is that Jesus is Lord of all, especially and including our religion and politics. After all, what impacts the lives of the people you care about more than religion and politics? It’s not difficult to discern the author of that lie, the author of every lie, Satan, himself.

So, then restoring truth number one means approaching every pastor and religious leader you know who insists on not getting political, and no longer allowing the lie to stand without cross-examination. Pastors must be challenged to come together with other pastors of other expressions of the Christian faith and seek to win their local communities for Christ working together, so that by the love they have one for another the world will see Jesus and revival will come, community by community.

Then the Church working as “one new man” can successfully engage the culture and begin to restore truth.

Yes, it will be challenging because we’re talking about the sanctification of the Body of Christ. The Ecclesia, the called-out assembly of God is made up of individuals who must begin by allowing truth to reign in their own personal lives. Only in our integrity can we be equipped to successfully engage a demonically-driven culture. Purification and repentance of personal sin, as the Spirit brings conviction, will prepare the warrior for victory.  It’s no surprise that this will be observed by only a remnant of people who claim to be Christian. According to Barna research, less than 10% of self-identified born again Christians are totally submitted to Christ. You know, as they say, “Sunday saints-Monday Aints.” So this won’t be a popular position, but then again, even Jesus was shunned and disbelieved by his own family, neighbors and friends.

There are many other lies that need to be demolished by the truth of God’s word that I will address in future messages. Suffice it to say for now, that we must be prayerfully energized by the Holy Spirit to begin a radical assault on the systems of this world that are founded on the lies of Satan. We must demolish every lie encountered in every cultural institution, and wherever the lie might be heard.

Gird up your loins in 2023.  We’ve spent sufficient time in training. It’s now time to engage the enemy, and yes, the first place to engage the enemy is in our own hearts and minds, but then we must never again let any lie stand without challenging it with the truth of God’s word. As Dietrich Barnhoffer told us. “Silence in the face of evil is, in itself, evil.” Let that never be said of the men and women of His church in our nation.

Be prepared, put on your full armor, and get in the fight with us. We read the back of the book—We win!

So, join us. Get in the fight. We’ll be sharing more information and developing strategies on the specific lies that need to be addressed at our WISP meetings to which you are invited, on the second and fourth Saturday of each month at our Newburgh headquarters. Click the “Events” tab above for more information. If you can’t attend personally, you can still join or support the New York Faith & Freedom Coalition by clicking on the “JOIN/DONATE” button.

2023 will be a year of action as the Kingdom of God forcefully advances upon the Kingdoms of this world. We are blessed to be living in such an exciting time preparing for the coming of our King. Don’t miss the action. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact me.

Above all, remember God’s word for 2023: “Restore Truth” and be part of the mission.

Remember, America Bless God!

1 comment

  1. Thanks!

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