2020 Elections -Pre and Post

In the New Testament, the Apostle Paul tells us to
…fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”–2 Cor. 4:18:

In just a few days we will choose leaders of our nation for another four years as well as leaders for state and local elections for their respective terms.

This will be, without question, the most consequential election in the life of this nation since perhaps the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860, and even that is questionable. So I want to talk to you briefly about the significance of this election and how we, as Christians need to vote. Then I want to share what I believe is God’s word to us for the period following the election.

We must look beyond what is seen in the natural. As disciples, we ought to see beyond the natural, and not get caught up in arguments that are meaningless from an eternity perspective. I’m not talking about getting political. Paul tells us in his second letter to Timothy:

No one serving as a soldier gets entangled in the affairs of this life, but rather tries to please his commanding officer.”—2 Tim. 2:4

I am talking about being Biblical and pleasing our commanding officer who commands us to occupy until He comes. First of all I want to make clear what this election is not about.
• It’s not primarily about a contest between Donald Trump and Joe Biden
• It’s not about a contest between Republicans and Democrats
• It’s not even primarily about the U.S. Supreme Court
• It’s not even about the conflict between Black Lives and Blue lives as real as that conflict is

No, if we were contesting for those issues we would be entangled in the affairs of this life. It is much bigger than these temporal issues. It’s about which worldview will dominate our institutions and culture for the coming generations of American life.The Republican worldview as reflected in its platform presumes there is a God, and it is in the God of the Bible that we place our trust, thus our national motto. Public policies must reflect values that originate in God’s mind and heart as revealed in the Bible and interpreted by our imperfect understanding even with the help of the Holy Spirit. As we acknowledge our overruling dependency upon God we affirm that there is an absolute standard of right and wrong expressed in the Holy Scriptures. The platform of the Republican Party reaffirms our belief and trust in God while the platform of the Democrat Party discounts the idea of God and presumes to place human wisdom as the ultimate authority in American life. The danger there is as Dostoevsky told us, “If there is no god than anything is permissible,” including the sacrifice of more than 60 million babies since Roe V. Wade, including defiling the holy institution of marriage by re-defining it to mean what God has called an abomination.

Since the 1960s when the Supreme Court—not the people– took God out of our public schools we began the systematic removal of the knowledge of God from all our public and private institutions. We have been slowly but steadily turning away from the God of our Fathers, and by default coming under the god of this world. Like the classic illustration of the frog in the kettle that stays in the water while the flame is turned up one degree at a time, he never feels the difference until he is ultimately boiled alive. His goose is cooked, (I know it’s a mixed metaphor, but you get the idea). And so it has been in America for the last 60 years,
But Donald Trump, the most unlikely vessel, is leading the way back to God. That’s why the opposition is so animated, and even violent because that’s what Satan does. We, who serve God know who our Master is. Those who oppose us believe they are their own bosses while never having a clue about who is really pulling their strings, because he is, after all, the Prince of Darkness, Lucipher, the Deceiver.

President Trump repeatedly reaffirms that we are One Nation Under God, and that must be the rallying point for all our citizens. That is the answer to our racial issues and our economic disparities. Identity politics only serves to divide us. The minute one says “Black Lives Matter” or for that matter, even “Blue Lives Matter” you are dividing us and a house divided cannot stand.

First, we must pray like it all depends on God, because it does. Secondly, we must work like it all depends on us, because it does that too. America has already lived way beyond the average life expectancy of a free republic – more than 230 years under One Constitution, unheard of in all of world history. If we lose it, it will be on us. John Adams reminds us that “Liberty once lost is lost forever.”

So let us today, once again as our forebears did for us, let us pledge our lives our fortunes and our sacred honor, first to the One who gave His life for our eternal freedom, Jesus Christ, the Lord of Lord and King of all Kings.  And secondly, to pray like it all depends on God and work like it all depends on us to get out the vote, every member of your family, every friend you might have to be sure we preserve the gift of liberty for our children and our grandchildren and live out God’s formula for revival.

President Trump will win re-election, but that will mark only the beginning of birth pangs preceding a period of great trial followed by a period of revival and reformation like has never been seen in the history of our nation.

The Church will rise out of its complacency and become relevant once again—not the whole church. In fact, it will be only a faithful remnant of pastors and Christian leaders who will step up to the plate to lead. The prophets will speak to the king once again. The royal priesthood will take its seat of authority at the city gates to rule in righteousness according to the precepts of nature’s God as revealed in the Holy Scriptures. Yes, we will debate what the Word says, but we will not debate that we are all committed to the fact that the law of the Lord is perfect, and our quest is to pursue a more perfect union as we come to better understand God’s perfect law and His plan for America.

We will be One Nation Under God rejecting the idea of a hyphenated American for we are all Americans, “E Pluribus Unum,” Out of many One.

As President Trump opens the door for the Church leading the way, we must occupy with evangelistic Biblical teaching to make disciples of our nation. Every local church, every Bible school and seminary will be called to teach its students the principles of faithful stewardship of the gift of liberty. We will prepare disciples to occupy the seats of government at every level from dog catcher on up. Yet, this will not be without resistance and sacrifice. The powers of Satan will oppose us at every move as we advance the cause of love, virtue and Biblical morality. We must be prepared to give all we have for the One who gave all for us.
Pastors must lead the way, or their lampstands will be removed. We must no longer be intimidated into silence, but be willing to speak of God wherever decisions are being made for our children. God must be mentioned whenever the thought comes to mind without fear of offending but yet with gentleness and respect. God must be an ever-present part of our speech as he is an ever-present part of our lives.

So as we prepare for the year 2021 prepare to go public with your faith. Your personal faith must find public expression to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world. Prepare for a season of opposition like we have never known here in this country, but also prepare for a season of revival and reformation to bring this nation back to the God of our fathers. Pastors must lead, or get out of the way. Though not every believer is called to be an evangelist, every believer is called to be a witness. Prepare to be an effective, courageous witness to the saving grace of Jesus Christ. No more fear and intimidation; 2021 is about courage, loving courage. We will live out the promise of 2 Chronicles 7:14:

If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray, and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from Heaven, forgive their sin and heal their land.” –It’s coming. Get on board!
To be part of God’s plan of redemption you must be born again and filled with His Spirit. It will take power, courage and determination until we see America Bless God!

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