It’s amazing how this summer has seen so many attacks on the Church, upon decency and upon civilization itself. Birth pangs are increasing at a rate unimaginable to generations before. Who would have thought that in America in 2015 Christians would be thrown in jail for their faith? Who would have thought that we would have handed over the holy institution of marriage to sexually immoral Sodomites?  Who would have thought that chaplains in the military would be forbidden to use the name of Jesus?  Who would have thought that law abiding business men and women would be compelled by force of law to endorse and participate in the celebration of homosexuality? Who would have thought that our children would be indoctrinated in government schools to reject the authority, the morality and the religion of their parents? Who would have thought that America, the world’s last best hope, would stand by and do nothing while millions of Christians and helpless people in the Middle East and Asia are raped, tortured and literally, wiped off the face of the earth?  Who would have thought that we would help the enemies of Israel to get the weapons they need to carry out their pledge to annihilate the Jewish state?

Unbelievable as it may sound, this is the state of our union as we come to summer’s end. And some have the audacity to call it “progress.”

Well, my friend, if you know me you know that I’m not a “gloom-and-doom” preacher. I read the back of the Book and I know that we win! My concern is that we don’t lose a single soul, if it’s at all within our ability to rescue others with the Good News of Jesus Christ.  As much as there is adversity, there is also opportunity for God to reveal His glory. Every adversity has within it the seed of a greater good as the glory of God is revealed in the midst of our trials.  Remember, even this was promised by Christ when he said, “in this world you will have tribulation, but fear not for I have overcome the world,” (John 16:33).

The challenge to us is stated in Psalm 11:3, “When the foundations are destroyed what will the righteous do?”  The Church—the real Church—must rise up out of our complacency to be a witness for Christ wherever we are, whatever we’re doing. There should be no place in American life where the Lordship of Christ isn’t evident. There is no separation of church and state, no separation of God and life. The earth is the Lord’s and everyone in it, and everything in it, (Psalm 24).  Jesus is Lord of all, from the Church house to the White House. We must start living the life we preach. When we feel timid or unable we must “Appeal to Heaven.” That is in fact, the message I bring to the Church this year. Without knowledge the people perish (Hosea 4:6). We must bring them the knowledge of how in times past we have appealed to Heaven, and heaven came through. God has preserved this nation in response to the prayers of the saints. If we don’t rise up this time, our children will curse us for giving them over to bondage. God forbid!

The summer ends with Good News: “Greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world.” (1 John 4:4) It’s time to be bold and courageous. We must seek the Lord, reach the lost and impact our culture. We must have revival, beginning in the hearts of each one of us, then letting it flow into the hearts and lives of those around us. We must be effective witnesses. We must have God! The great end time revival is coming. Let it come Lord Jesus. Let it come now!


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