I just listened to Governor Cuomo’s inauguration speech after which it becomes quite clear that New Yorkers are left with a choice in 2019–fight or flight!

New Yorkers of reasonable intelligence cannot sit by while our governor, advances a godless progressive agenda that calls evil good and good evil.

Since we are not leaving New York, our only choice is to fight to see godly values restored for the sake of coming generations and God’s glory. (Come to think of it, I didn’t hear the mention of God once in Cuomo’s speech though he talked of angels and spirits–but no God…hmmm!).

We will need your help in 2019. We too have an agenda for the New Year, but we will need your help to carry it through to success. Here is what we’re planning.

  1. Hold a monthly prayer and educational meeting:
    1. to pray for our state, our nation and its leaders at every government level
    2. to learn about the current issues impacting our faith and our families.
    3. To understand the Biblical approach to current issues
    4. To develop strategies to influence public policy to align with our Judeo-Christian heritage.
  2. We will speak out in the public square using whatever forms of media possible to advance Biblical principles.
  3. We will train Christians and mobilize the Church to occupy the seats of influence in order to bring our state and our nation back to God.
  4. We will work with other pro-God and pro-family groups to advance among others, three non-negotiable issues: Life, Marriage and Religious Liberty.

We encourage you to listen to the governor’s speech on Youtube to get a sense of the direction these godless leaders intend on taking New York, then join the New York Faith and Freedom Coalition to stand against this diabolical plan to turn the Empire State into a “Socialist-Sodomite” State.

Join now and come to our first meeting of the New Year on January 18th.

With God all things are possible.”—Matthew 23:26

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