It seems hardly possible that the former head of Spokane Washington NAACP, Rachel Dolezal, and Dylan Roof who massacred nine Black Christians in Charleston would have anything at all in common, but the truth is they have one very important thing in common, the very thing that brought their names to our awareness. Each one caught public attention by doing something seemingly irrational but something they saw fit in their own eyes.

This is what happens when a nation begins to move away from being one nation under God. We become many nations, many people, under our own personal system of right and wrong. That’s why Ms. Dolezal could justify deceiving people about her race. She believes she is black, therefore she is. Dylan Roof believed he should murder black people because as he said, they were raping our women and taking over the country. They were each following their own laws rather than submitting to God’s law. Dolezal violated the Ninth Commandment: “Thou shall not bear false witness,” and Roof violated the Sixth Commandment: “Thou shalt not kill.” So what is the lesson to be learned? If we are to see a return to civility, we must return to the God of the Bible (not a god of our own choosing) or we will continue and accelerate down this path of national demise. Noah Webster was right when he said,

All the miseries and evils which men suffer from vice, crime, ambition, injustice, oppression, slavery, and war, proceed from their despising or neglecting the precepts contained in the Bible.”

In that one statement we find the reason for, and the solution to the increasing bizarre and evil behavior that has become too common place in our land. It’s time for a revival of the idea that made us a great nation, the idea that we are “One Nation Under God.” Let our leaders proclaim it; let our people live it, and we will pass on to our children the land of liberty that our parents passed on to us.

National Day of Prayer 2015

Pastors Praying NDP 2015

Pastors Steve Offringa, Brian Hill, Sam Sutter, Irving Rivera and Ralph Diaz all joined in to pray at the County Seat, Goshen declaring repentance and revival as we appealed to Heaven for His favor on our County and our nation.

This Sunday Special Presentation

Be sure to join us this Sunday, August 10th at 7:00pm for our 2nd Sunday meeting where we will hear a special teaching entitled:

The Middle East Crisis in Biblical Perspective.”

Come join us at New Harvest Christian Church, 1230 Blooming Grove Trpke., New Windsor, NY. RSVP to bill@nyfaithandfreedom.com., or text to 845-561-9499.

More Than Condolences, Mr. President

President Barak Obama’s response to the kidnapping and murder of three Israeli teenagers by Hamas was an offer of condolences and an admonishment to refrain from any actions that might “destabilize the situation.”

Like Neville Chamberlain who thought he could be nice to Hitler and survive, so does President Obama think peace on earth will be realized if we can all just get along. His reluctance to defend our friends and even American citizens abroad has emboldened the enemy—and yes, Islamists are our enemies, just ask them. He has given them the time and space they need to build an army capable of challenging the West. In fact, his actions pulling out of war zones and leaving our equipment and weapons behind are actually arming our enemies to war against us. One has to ask, “Whose payroll is he on, anyway?”

Forget about refraining from actions that might destabilize the situation. We must stand with Israel to defend her against radical Islam, then we must take the war to the enemy before he can bring it to our shores.

The world has known a hundred year wars before, and this might be another one. We must eliminate those who are bent on destroying us, while we teach principles of liberty and democracy to their children until the culture of tyranny and death is replaced by a culture of liberty and life. This will not be accomplished in one, or even two generations. We must start now for the benefit of our posterity, or we will find ourselves all under Sharia law. There is no middle ground, not as long as Islamists are bent on establishing their caliphate, and that they are.

Israel needs more than condolences Mr. Obama. Israel needs an ally ready to fight side-by-side with her to defeat our common enemy. Let’s pray our next President will understand that, and that Israel will survive until then.


I have said before—and I have been criticized for saying it—that President Obama is the first “un-American American President.” Well, let me take that a step further. The recent release of five Taliban high level commanders is evidence that he is the first “Anti-American” American President. His actions actually give aid and comfort to the enemy—grounds for treason. Not only is this a morale booster for the Taliban fighters, but he supplied them with high level commanders, now elevated as heroes because of their Gitmo experience. They will no doubt help to recruit more soldiers who will kill Americans, and whose blood will be on the hands of this President. He couldn’t be more of an ally to our enemies than these actions represent. One wonders if he might be on their payroll instead of the payroll of the American people.

Congress must stop him by whatever legal means possible before he does further damage to our country. The American people must rise from their complacency or we will lose the liberty, prosperity and peace we have been blessed with since our founding. This is no time for summer soldiers or sunshine patriots.

Week in D.C. for Marriage, Faith and Freedom

We came Thursday to be part of the March for Marriage then stayed for the Faith & Freedom annual Conference. We’ll share what we’ve learned at our next meeting. Don’t miss it. Put it on your calendar now – July 13th.MarriageMarch2014