Week in D.C. for Marriage, Faith and Freedom

We came Thursday to be part of the March for Marriage then stayed for the Faith & Freedom annual Conference. We’ll share what we’ve learned at our next meeting. Don’t miss it. Put it on your calendar now – July 13th.MarriageMarch2014

Next Second Sunday Meeting June 8th

Come join us to worship God, pray for our nation and hear what God is saying concerning the stewardship of our liberties.

  • Sunday, June 8th – 7:00pm-9:00pm
  • New Harvest Christian Church – 1230 Blooming Grive Trple (Route 94), New Windsor NY
  • RSVP: bill@nyfaithandfreedom.com or call (845) 597-9142

America’s Role in the World in light of the Boka Haram Kidnapping

Whatever happened to the America that pledged to

pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty.”

That was JFK’s inaugural speech in 1961. Today almost three hundred girls are held captive by thugs intent on destroying liberty in the world and we do nothing. Oh, excuse me; I forgot. We are “tweeting” outrage. Somehow I don’t think that’s what President Kennedy had in mind when he talked about our commitment to preserve liberty, especially since his statement was directed to foreign nations, whether they wished us “well, or ill.”

Remember when Michelle Obama said that for the first time she was proud of her country? Well, for the first time I can honestly say I am ashamed of my country, because we are no longer living up to the principles of our creed. Every friend and every adversary knows that we will not defend the cause of liberty around the world. No, in fact, the federal government is bent on destroying liberty right here in our homeland.

When there is a greater effort to promote gay, lesbian and trans-gender lifestyles than there is to capture the murderers of our foreign ambassadors, it becomes clear that we are quickly abandoning the vision of our founders in exchange for a godless, perverted vision that will end in a sad obituary for the nation that was once “the world’s last best hope.”

We need a revival in our land to awaken those who know the truth, but have been complacent while godless socialist activists have dominated the national agenda. We must once again declare with boldness that we are, in fact, One Nation Under God, and revisit the timeless principles that have preserved our liberties since the Pilgrims settled in Plymouth. Those principles are the very same principles that foster a virtuous life, without which there can be no preservation of liberty.


The missing Malaysian airline fiasco is a clear example of why the United States of America must never turn over any significant control to other powers, especially if we may have to rely on that body at any time in the future. It’s clear, the Malaysians are either stonewalling us, or are simply too incompetent to know what happened to the plane and are too embarrassed to admit it.

The present administration and it’s leftist cohorts live in a parallel universe created in their classrooms where humanity is evolving toward civility and peace, the end thereof will eventually be the ability to answer Rodney Kings’s classic mystery to the left, “Why can’t we just get along?”

There is no mystery. There is evil in the world that finds expression in human nature which does not change. That’s why we must never entrust our safety to others who are not as developed technologically, intellectually, and yes, even morally as we are. They become prime candidates for evil against us. Because evil is universal, it can very well emerge from our own ranks, however it’s only logical-at least for those who believe in logic-to minimize the chances of regrettable outcomes by keeping such universal power within our own realm of authority.

If we are to diffuse American power, let it be diffused among the states and among the people, as our “unevolved” founders envisioned, but let us never diffuse our power and might to others who have no regard for our well-being. In other words, defend the Constitution and reaffirm in all our public policy that yes, we are an exceptional nation because we are in fact, “One nation Under God.” There is no other like us.

New York Faith & Freedom in the News




Come and join us as we

  • Worship God
  • Be informed and equipped to impact our sphere of influence for Kingdom values, and
  • Pray for our nation and those in authority according to God’s word.

Sunday, March. 9th, 7:00pm-9:00pm at New Harvest Christian Church – 1230 Blooming Grove Trpke (Route 94) New Windsor, NY.