A New Era

Tomorrow Donald J. Trump will be inaugurated as the 45th President of our country. Most Americans now take such an event for granted never really appreciating the miracle this event represents. In all of world history no other nation has ever changed leadership 45 times without violence, war or turmoil. The “peaceful transition of power” is not normal, but rather exceptional, and I believe it is a product of our general Christian character that respects order and authority, and recognizes that there is a God who governs in the affairs of men to whom we must all be accountable.

Democratic legislators and others who have chosen to dishonor this sacred event represent an increasing godlessness that taken to further extremes represents that force that wreaks havoc in other nations where each one is a god unto himself and does not realize, or may in fact reject, the truth that it is God who raises up leaders and puts others down, even if it is through the electoral process.

The inauguration of Donald Trump will mark the beginning of a turnaround from the descending social-political character of our nation to one that will turn in a positive upward direction. As President Reagan told us, it’s not a matter of left or right, but rather of up or down. The nation will put a stop to the downward trend we have experienced over the past several decades and begin an upward turn to restore America’s greatness.

However, there is no guarantee that Trump will succeed. It is up to the Church. It will be the prayers of the saints that God may respond to in bringing healing and restoration to our nation. I believe it was the prayer of the saints that God responded to in raising Donald Trump for the presidency. In God’s mercy he is granting us yet another window of opportunity to get it right, to turn from our self-centered ways and turn back to the God in whom we say we place out trust.

As The Church of Jesus Christ we must pray for Donald Trump, his family and his staff and we must be engaged in the political process as we exercise faithful stewardship of the gift of liberty.

The love of God must be the characteristic trait that identifies us as we continue to preach and teach the biblical order God has ordained for his human creation.
We must believe God for a “revivolution,” that is a political-governmental revolution inspired by a spiritual revival. We must turn back to God.
So let tomorrow’s inauguration mark the beginning of our turning back to God.

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