No More Equivocation!

Rev. Bill Banuchi

But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve,… whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amornti-Aites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.”—Joshua 24:15

The chaos currently seen on American Universities, fueled by anti-Americanism is yet one more manifestation of the clear polarization of our politics. This is not a polarization of our nation, but rather a polarization of political and governmental leaders, and it must be called out for what it is—good vs. evil.

The American left—not liberals, but leftists—are driven by demonic powers, and those under its influence are either consciously, or unconsciously, being controlled by a demonic puppet master whose mission is to destroy our democratic republic, and replace it with its own authoritarian control. Most of the young people seen demonstrating in defense of Hamas’s barbarism have absolutely no clue about who is pulling their strings. Like the western sympathizers of the Bolshevik revolution that brought Lenin into power they have become “useful idiots,” useful to the cause, because they unwittingly promote a demonically-driven agenda without understanding the dire consequences of their actions. They demonstrate to eliminate the very freedoms they exercise. Go figure. They want to cut off the very branch they sit on. They would be pitied if they weren’t so dangerous to the cause of liberty.

There can be no more equivocation by Americans who believe there is a God in Heaven who governs in the affairs of men and nations. It’s a binary choice: Good vs. Evil; God vs. Satan! Christians who have any understanding of the Bible know that this is not a political issue, but rather a spiritual one. Satan has always risen up to attempt to dethrone the God of the universe. What we see going on in our nation is simply the latest manifestation of that same satanic aggression that would bring America under demonic control like most of the nations of the world. We would no longer be an “exceptional” nation, but just one more among the many where liberty, peace and prosperity is just a pipedream.

Unfortunately, the Democrat Party has succumbed to that demonic control. It must be defeated or we will lose this nation. This is not exaggeration. The peace and prosperity we enjoy in this nation is the exception, not the rule. Those who protest American values take those values for granted, leaving them open to brainwashing—rather brain-polluting. If they succeed they will find friendship in hell with those French revolutionaries who found themselves victims of their own guillotines. Today’s college students should be learning from world history, not repeating it.

Regardless of what one may think of Donald Trump’s personality, he is the man who I believe God is using to bring our nation back to Him and preserving us for yet another generation. It is a binary choice—Good or evil.  Every pastor and Christian leader must teach and encourage those under their tutelage to pray for Donald Trump, and do all they can to elect him in November for our next President. If we fail, God will hold us accountable; so will our children and our grandchildren who will curse us for losing the gift of liberty that our parents passed on to us. Let it never be!



    • Chip Murray on April 24, 2024 at 13:42
    • Reply

    Bring the 1776 church back and it’s game over. The enemy rolls over us because churchmen won’t come out of their Bible study/classroom bubbles to engage him on the field of battle.

    • Doug Fletcher on April 24, 2024 at 17:18
    • Reply

    Well stated here Bill – this is a time to stand and though our Liberty is threatened and being diminished daily, God does reign in the affairs of men and governs the nations – let us pray and work!!

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